You can now meet people on Trustroots even if you don’t need hosting or cannot host. This is probably the biggest change in Trustroots since our launch two years ago!
As our community is already 27,000 members strong, we wanted to make Trustroots useful not only for those who can host or who are travelling. Our mission is to connect likeminded people together and while hosting is one of the best ways to do so, simply getting people to meet is very much part of our mission, too.
are visible on the map just like hosting offers and removed automatically after some time — currently one month after any updates to it. Members can have multiple meet offers on the map at the same time.We didn’t want to guide too strongly what “meet” exactly means: it might be you’re travelling in that location, it might mean you’re organising a dinner party at home or it might mean a bigger Hitchgathering type event. We will follow how people start using the feature and do adjustments while we learn more about possibilities. Do send us all the feedback and ideas as well! We’re all ears.
New Tribes*!
Thank you so much for sending us so many new tribe* suggestions! We’re amazed by so many different communities, hobbies and skill practitioners on Trustroots.
We just published some of the most requested tribes* and will probably follow up with a few more in near future. Keep sending us ideas! Know that in future everyone will be able to create tribes*, but until that we don’t want to spread the community too thin as finding likeminded folks would become more difficult.
Go Join new Tribes* and happy rest of the summer!
(*Before August 2020, Trustroots Circles were called “Tribes”.)
I have come to the conclusion that the Tribes feature is a failure when it comes to finding like-minded people. Click around on the map, and you’ll see that TR members in countries where dumpster-diving or vegetarianism aren’t really a thing (and these people have never traveled abroad) signed up for the Dumpster Divers or Vegetarians group – along with a bunch of others – just because they thought it was cool to join as many tribes as they could.