Author: Callum Macdonald
Restored from backup
We lost access to the latest version of this blog. I restored from the most recent backup that I had. Some posts have been lost. It’s not clear if we will be able to restore them. Some parts of the blog might not work properly. Hopefully in time these will be fixed.
Applying Trustroots values
This is the Trustroots vision statement: “A world that encourages trust and adventure.” These are a couple of the rules on Be friendly and know when to stop messaging someone. Be yourself, helpful, kind, responsible and respectful of others. Behaviour that is not respectful, is rude, aggressive, or discriminatory, does not belong on Trustroots.…
It’s genuinely nice to be nice
Way back when, in the dim and distant past, when smartphones were still only a dream… CouchSurfing crashed, Casey wrote the famous “so long folks” letter. The community rose up and said we want this to continue. We value our gift economy, we want to keep this journey going. It started in Montreal, then continued…